
Friday Sep 13, 2019
It’s just a jump to the left
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
It’s just a jump to the left
@CarterWhiskey @JepthaCreed @thisisstolen @finespirits #whiskey #bourbon #ryewhiskeyCo hosts : Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Alan, Good ol Boy Harmeet, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – We catch up with some whiskey brands maybe not quite as big, but still packed with flavor. Our normal very animated cast breaks down each product with ratings. With the average release of 1000 bottles, Old Carter is in unicorn status. The gals at Jeptha Creed make their debut on this episode. Plus we manage to discuss Stolen Whiskey in the middle of this “episode”. We taste and discuss the following whiskey:
Old Carter Rye Batch 1– 112.2 Proof (56.1 %ABV) SIPS 4
Old Carter Rye Batch 3: 116.2 Proof (58.1%ABV) SIPS 4
Old Carter Rye Batch 4: 114.1 Proof (57.8% ABV) SIPS 3
Old Carter Bourbon Batch 2: 106.9 Proof (58.45% ABV) SIPS 4
Jeptha Creed Four Grain Straight Bourbon Whiskey – 98 Proof (49% ABV) SIPS 3
Stolen X Rock and Rye – 80 Proof (40% ABV) SIPS 3
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Born in the USA
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Born in the USA
@ donciccioefigli @LETHERBEE @GreenbarDrinks @FalconSpirits @beermakesthree @straightup615 @goodoleboydave #amaro #negroni #italiancocktail #digestif Co hosts : Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal Julieanna SIPS Episode – ‘Merica and Amaro, yeah this not something normally, all the way around, including the casting for this episode. We look at contributions in the USA to creating Amaro. The fake Italian accents were kept to a minimum, you’re welcome. Lots of spice going on during this episode. Sip. Learn. Laugh. We taste and discuss the following Amaro:
Letherbee Fernet – 35% ABV Letherbee Distillers Chicago, Illinois. SIPS – 4
Tattersall Amaro – 30% ABV Tattersall Distilling Minneapolis, MN SIPS- 1
Cinque Apertivo – 15% ABV Don Ciccio and Figli Washington, DC SIPS-4
Amaro Delle Sirene – 29% ABV Don Ciccio and Figli Washington, DC SIPS-5
Lockhouse Amaro digestif – 32% Lockhouse Distillery Buffalo NY SIPS -3
Grand Poppy Amaro Bitter liqueur – 20% ABV Greenbar Distillery Los Angeles CA SIPS-4
Breckenridge Bitter -36% ABV Breckenridge Distillery Breckenridge, CO SIPS- 2
Amaro Aplomado – 32% ABV Falcon Spirits Distillery Richmond CA SIPS- 5
Southern Amaro Liqueur 30% ABV High Wire Distilling Co. Charleston SC SIPS-2
Balsam American Amaro 44% ABV Produced and bottled by Pennsylvania Pure Distilleries Glenshaw PA for Balsam Spirits LLC SIPS- 3 for everyone but Julie and Kendall who rated it a 4
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com @sipssudssmoke Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Catch Good ol Boy Dave’s Daily 60 Minute Beer reviews on Instagram and Twitter
Sparky’s audition tape for the Italian version of X Factor was rejected for the 8th time. You can catch him on his blog
Kendall got lost on the way to a SUDS episode but still enjoyed the distraction. Check out his blog at:www.beermakesthree.com
Princess Cary Ann of all things alcohol is just stuck on 5. Check out her blog at:
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads Download your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Aug 30, 2019
I’ve never had this before
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
I’ve never had this before
@AperolUSA @campari @AmaroMonte @FernetBranca @beermakesthree @straightup615 @goodoleboydave #amaro #negroni #italiancocktail #digestifCo hosts : Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSIPS Episode – Amaro 101, oh this very confusing beverage of herbs and spices. Quite popular in Italy but this beverage has origins back to the Egyptians. It’s fabulous neat, with some simple mixers, and in cocktails. You will get beyond that same old routine and venture to some cool stuff on that back bar you always wondered about. This episode is a pre requisite to all of our amaro episodes. We taste and discuss the following Amaro:
Aperol – 11% manufactured by Campari group Headquarters in Milan SIPS- 4
Campari – 20.5-28.5% depending on the country in which it is sold. Manufactured by Campari Group headquarters in Milan – SIPS – 4
Amaro Montenegro – 23% produced in Bologna, Italy by Gruppo Montenegro SIPS-3
Cynar – 16.5% Manufactured by Campari Group – SIPS-4
Fernet Branca -39% produced in Milan Italy by Fratelli Branca Distillerie SIPS-5
Spritz – 3 ounce Prosecco, 2 ounce seltzer water, 1 ounce Aperol
In an old-fashioned or Collins glass, pour in Prosecco and Aperol and top off with selzer water. Garnish with orange slice SIPS – 4
Negroni- 1 ounce Campari, 1 ounce gin (Beefeater was used in this cocktail)
And 1 ounce Sweet Vermouth (Carpano Antica Formula Sweet Vermouth was used in this cocktail) Add ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into an old fashioned either neat or with ice and serve with an orange peel twist. SIPS – 5
Some references that helped in the making of this episode:
The Complete Amaro Guide: Amaro 101
Amaro 101: An Introduction to Italian Amari | Inu A Kena
Amari 101: Your Guide to Italy's Essential Bittersweet Liqueurs
A Field Guide to Italian Amaro | Saveur
Spritz – Italy’s Most Iconic Apertivo Cocktail with recipes by Talia Baiocchi and Leslie Pariseau
Apertivo – The Cocktail Culture of Italy by Marisa Huff
Apertif – A spirited Guide To The Drinks, History and Culture of the Apertif by Kate Hawkings
The Negroni – Drinking To La Dolce Vita, with Recipes and Lore by Gary Regan
Amaro: The Spirited World of Bittersweet, Herbal Liqeurs, with Cocktails, Recipes and Formulas by Brad Thomas Parsons
Bitterman’s Field Guide to Bitters & Amari: 500 Bitters; 50 Amari; 123 recipes for Cocktails, Food & Homemade Bitters (Vol 2) by Mark Bitterman
I’m Just Here for the Drinks: A Guide to Spirits, Drinking and More Than 100 Extraordinary Cocktails by Sother Teague
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Catch Good ol Boy Dave’s Daily 60 Minute Beer reviews on Instagram and Twitter
Sparky’s work release conditions were amended just for this episode. You can catch him on his blog
Kendall got lost on the way to a SUDS episode but still enjoyed the distraction. Check out his blog at:www.beermakesthree.com
Princess Cary Ann of all things alcohol is just stuck on 5. Check out her blog at:
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
It’s good to be the King
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
It’s good to be the King
@brownforman @Barton1792 #whiskey #whisky #unicorn
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Justin, Made Man Brent, and Made Man Bob
SIPS Episode – It’s unicorn season for bourbon. We get to chat about these in our Quick Shot format to bring this in a timely manner. Brown Forman increased the volume of King of Kentucky to 2K bottles, and yet still only available in KY. Barton has been moving tons of whiskey branded and in bulk. This is one of the first age stated 1792 Full Proof releases. We just get giddy that this is one of the last few coal fired distilleries. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Brown Forman King of Kentucky 2019 SIPS – 5 out of 5
Barton 1792 12 Year SIPS – 4 out of 5
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Available on Apple and Google Podcasts, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Yo, we on the radio on stations affiliates from Pacifica Radio, PRI, and CBS Radio.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Aug 23, 2019
We’re going about this a little different
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
We’re going about this a little different
@monocaskism @WTDistillery @mademanbob #whiskey #kentucky #kentuckyrye #bourbon
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Justin, Good ol Gal Denise, Made Man Maury, and Made Man Bob
SIPS Episode – Only we could combine Hairloss for Men and Whiskey business models. Single Cask Nation is bringing some great products to their select membership model. Meanwhile in KY, something different is going on. Wilderness Trail Distillery is bringing back the use of KY grown Rye. This has all the tongues wagging in KY. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Single Cask Nation Glenrothes 20yr SIPS – 3 out of 5
Single Cask Nation Speyside 28yr SIPS – 3 out of 5
Single Cask Nation Invergordon 43yr Single Grain SIPS – 4 out of 5
Wilderness Trail Bourbon Bottled in Bond SIPS – 3 out of 5
Wilderness Trail High Rye Bourbon SIPS – 3 out of 5
Wilderness Trail Rye SIPS – 3 out of 5
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Available on Apple and Google Podcasts, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Yo, we on the radio on stations affiliates from Pacifica Radio, PRI, and CBS Radio.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Whiskey in the Key of F
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Whiskey in the Key of F
@heavensdoorwsky @TreatyOakTX #whiskey #texas #bobdylan
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Justin, Good ol Gal Denise, Made Man Maury, and Made Man Bob
SIPS Episode – A mystery wrapped in whiskey as we discuss Heaven’s Door Whiskey. A celebrity whiskey with Bob Dylan. They are currently outfitting a former church as the distillery. We also decided that Justin’s Texas accent was so bad, we had higher hopes for the whiskey from Treaty Oak. We expected less from someone that drinks blue cocktails. And Windex. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Heaven’s Door Tennessee Bourbon SIPS - 3
Heaven’s Door Straight Rye Whiskey SIPS - 3
Heaven’s Door Double Barrel Whiskey SIPS - 3
Treaty Oak Ghost Hill Texas Bourbon Whiskey SIPS - 3
Treaty Oak Red Handed Bourbon Whiskey SIPS - 3
Treaty Oak Red Handed Rye Whiskey SIPS - 3
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Available on Apple and Google Podcasts, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Yo, we on the radio on stations affiliates from Pacifica Radio, PRI, and CBS Radio.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Aug 09, 2019
Please Swirl my Beer Slushie
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Please Swirl my Beer Slushie
@jenisicecreams @beardedirisbrew @MastLanding @Omnipollo @prairieales @honkytonkbeer #beer #slushie #beerslushieCo hosts : Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Boy Tim, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS Episode – Are all hipster trends Questionable Decisions? From our dense file of the Summer of Questionable Decisions comes our coverage of Beer Slushies. Sponsored by the same idiots that ruined Coffee with Iced Coffee comes the alteration of the liquid state of beer. We also venture down the path of all things frozen with beer including ice cream and sorbet. Guess who got brain freeze first. We taste and discuss the following frozen beer treats:
For ice cream and sorbet recipes, check out:
Jenni’s Splendid Ice Creams At Home by Jenni Britton Bauer
Ice Cream Stout Float:
Add one scoop of your favorite vanilla ice cream to a mug or pint glass then fill ¾ to the top with a stout or porter of your choice. Feeling adventurous? Try different ice cream/beer flavor combinations
We used: Talenti Madagascan Vanilla Bean gelato with:
Fudge with Strawberries – Imperial Oatmeal Stout with Strawberry purée, vanilla bean, lactose and Olive & Sinclair cocoa nibs 9.5% Bearded Iris Brewing Nashville, TN SUDS-4
Gunner’s Daughter Sweet Stout with notes of peanut butter, coffee, and dark chocolate 5.5% Mast Landing Brewing Company Westbrook ME SUDS-4
Agamemnon Imperial Stout brewed with Maple Syrup 12.5% Omnipollo Stockholm Sweden SUDS-4
Chocolate ice cream with Prairie Bomb – 2/3cup added into a pint recipe
Prairie Bomb – Imperial Stout aged on Nordaggio’s espresso beans, chocolate, vanilla beans, and ancho chile peppers 13% Prairie Artisan Ales Krebs, OK SUDS-5
1 lb sweet cherries pureed with agave nectar, orange zest and sugar with:
Kriek – 3.5% Brouwerij Lindemans Vlezenbeek , Vlaams-Brabant Belgium SUDS-4
Frozen Beergarita
12oz Dogfish Head Seaquench – (frozen)
1.5 oz fresh lime juice
.5 oz agave nectar
1 oz Cointreau
Combine in blender and pulse until smooth. Add salt to rim
SeaQuench Ale – fruited gose 4.9% Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Milton DE SUDS-5
16oz any fruit sour beer of your choice (frozen)
1oz agave nectar (or more as needed)
Combine ingredients in blender then pulse until smooth. Add fruit juice in 1 oz increments to create new flavors
We used:
Purple Skies Purple drink inspired lactose sour ale 5.4% Southern Grist Brewing Company Nashville, TN
Blueberry Lemonade Berliner weisse with Blueberry and lemonade added 5.8% Honky Tonk Brewing Company Nashville, TN SUDS-4
At the end of the episode we combined the Purple Skies and Blueberry lemonade slushees and gave it a SUDS-4
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple and Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, CBS Radio, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Catch Good ol Boy Dave’s Daily 60 Minute Beer reviews on Instagram and Twitter
Kendall used his own crazy straw during this episode. Check out his blog at www.beermakesthree.com
In full disclosure- Good ol Boy Tim does make Blueberry Lemonade Berliner Weisse with Blueberry and Lemonade, but we actually rated this beer slushie without his score. Check out LOTS of cool beers at Honky Tonk.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Aug 02, 2019
I thought Port was a place, not a wine
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
I thought Port was a place, not a wine
@FonsecaPort @TaylorsPortWine @CroftPort #portwine #wine
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Wayne, Good ol Gal Denise, Made Man Maury, and Made Man Bob
SIPS Episode – Port Wine 101 - A journey to Port, as in Port wine. Such a broad range of products in this flight. Port wine has been made for over 2,000 years. Port wine over ice? Yes. Port wine cocktail? Yes. Take in all of the rich culture of Portugal sip by sip. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Fonseca Siroco Extra Dry White Port SIPS -3
Taylor Fladgate Chip Dry White Port SIPS -3
Croft Pink Port SIPS -3
Croft Reserve Tawny Port SIPS -3
Fonseca Bin 27 Port SIPS -4
Taylor Fladgate 20yr Tawny Port SIPS -4
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Available on Apple and Google Podcasts, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Yo, we on the radio on stations affiliates from Pacifica Radio, PRI, and CBS Radio.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Everything Good in Life is Worth Discussing
We talk about wine, whiskey, nearly anything distilled, tea, coffee, beer, mead, cigars, smoked meats, and more beer.