
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Uncle Larry, Hai-Karate, and a holiday dinner
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Uncle Larry, Hai-Karate, and a holiday dinner
@PenderynWhisky @BreweryHetAnker @StarwardWhisky @goodnightmare_s @greatlakescrime @NowYouveSeenIt #whiskey #scotch #whisky #GoudenCarolus #retronasalCo hosts : Made Man Maury, Good ol Boy Harmeet, Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – Some more recent releases. The odds of us nailing a Welsh accent were low, and we managed to hit that target. We are the only whiskey podcast to be able to use a Faraday Cage in a tasting note. Do you know who has all female distillers on staff? This episode is impacting my retronasal capabilities, like Hai Karate at the dinner table. We taste and rate the following whisky from 1-5:
Starwood Nova SIPS 2
Gouden Carolus Single Malt SIPS 3
Penderyn Rich Oak Single Malt Whisky SIPS 3
Penderyn Portwood Single Malt Whisky SIPS 3
Penderyn Madeira Single Malt Whisky SIPS 3
Penderyn Ex-Islay Peated Single Cask SIPS 3
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”)Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
This episode is sponsored by:
Fine Spirits
Fort Lauderdale Whiskey Societyhttp://www.ftlauderdalewhiskeysociety.com/
Made Man Bob and Made Man Brent are on work release from The Bourbon Mafia
Made Man Maury is failing to supervise the situation properly
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Don’t lick the glass
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Don’t lick the glass
@heavenhill @BuffaloTrace @BalvenieUS @dishpodcast @ghosttownpod @oz9podcast #whiskey #scotch #whiskyCo hosts : Good ol Boy Harmeet, Made Man Maury, Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – A mélange of great whiskey released this Spring. We cross the streams with Bourbon and Scotch. Good ol Boy Mike broke the world record for nosing a glass at 4:28 with the Week of Peat. Brent discovers that peat is not a baking spice. A long discussion if we agree to disagree does that mean we agree or agree to disagree? Oh the Weller fan boys are already lined up for this one. We taste and rate the following whiskey from 1-5:
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof B520 SIPS – 4
Larceny Barrel Proof B520 SIPS - 4
Weller Single Barrel SIPS - 4
Balvenie The Sweet Toast of American Oak 12yr SIPS - 4
Balvenie A Day of Dark Barley 26 Yr SIPS - 5
Balvenie Week of Peat 14yr SIPS - 4
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”)Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
This episode is sponsored by:
Fine Spirits
Fort Lauderdale Whiskey Societyhttp://www.ftlauderdalewhiskeysociety.com/
Made Man Bob and Made Man Bob are on work release from The Bourbon Mafia
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The slow guy gets all the wood
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
The slow guy gets all the wood
@HeavenHill1935 @BuffaloTrace @MissionRejected #whiskey #bourbonCo hosts : Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – A quick shot episode cover a couple of recent releases. For some reason the slow guy always gets the wood and so does the Old Forrester 1910. The Elijah Craig Barrel Proof C919 is nearly hazmat declared. Still quite tasty. We taste and rate the following bourbon from 1-5:
Old Forester 1910 Old Fine Whiskey – 46.5%ABV – 93 Proof 3 SIPS
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof – Batch C919 – 68.4%ABV - 136.8 proof 4 SIPS
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”)Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
@OmissionBeer @estrelladammcat @TwoBrothersBeer @glutenberg @beermakesthree @parentquestpod @HaveNotSeenThis #beer #glutenfree #ExAmishCo hosts : Good ol Boy Dave, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Caperton, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS Episode – Could gluten free beer be the best beer in Canada? Nope. But we do pick up the topic to help those seeking a gluten free beer. While there is not a huge selection of gluten free beer, we still taste a wide range of products to help you navigate this narrow category of beers. It feels like a Summer of Questionable Decisions in an Ex-Amish kinda way. We taste and rate the following gluten free beer from 1-5:
IPA (Gluten Free) 6.7% ABV Omission Brewing Portland, OR SUDS-2
Daura 5.4% ABV Grupo Damm Barcelona, Catalunya Spain SUDS-3
Golden Ale Prairie Path 5.1 % Two Brothers SUDS-3
American Pale Ale 5.5% ABV Glutenberg Craft Brewery Montréal, QC Canada SUDS-1
Blanche (White) 5% ABV Glutenberg Craft Brewery Montréal, QC Canada SUDS-2
Stout 5% ABV Glutenberg Craft Brewery Montréal, QC Canada SUDS-3
Check out the Ex-Amish Mattress Warehouse. Tell Kevin you heard about them on this show.
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokesSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Podbean, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Check out Good ol Boy Dave on 60 Second Reviews
Kendall is considering wearing a mask to appear incognito on this show. His beer blog is:
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Jun 26, 2020
There’s poo in my beer
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
There’s poo in my beer
@petrussourbeers @freshhellpod @planthropology #beer #stalebeerCo hosts : Rev. Mark, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS Episode - A Listen & Learn episode featuring De Brabandere with a mix 6 pack of Petrus that brings up a conversation on issues with beer distribution. While yeast settlement is normal, these beers were packed with an unsightly proportion of yeast. The yeast floats in the bottle as it’s moved and most of this is a by-product of time & gravity. We taste and rate the following beer from 1-5:
Petrus Oud Bruin SUDS – 3
Petrus Gouden Tripel SUDS – 3
Petrus Dubbel SUDS – 3
Petrus Speciale Ale SUDS – 3
Petrus Blond SUDS – 2
Petrus Aged Red SUDS – 3
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokesSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Podbean, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Check out Good ol Boy Dave on 60 Second Reviews
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Harmeet’s natural mental state - Blended
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Harmeet’s natural mental state - Blended
@CompassBox @TheBourbonMafia @FineSpirits_FL @breakawishpod @SoGoPodcast #whiskey #scotch #whisky Co hosts : Good ol Boy Harmeet, Made Man Maury, Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – A Distillery takeover from Compass Box. John Glaser is the master of all things whiskey and has created blends that are the envy of the industry. Harmeet manages to blame his mother for all of his inequities in life. Our consensus is that a 2nd fill sherry butt is preferable :-P We taste and rate the following whisky from 1-5:
Compass Box The Circle, Release No. 1– 46% ABV 4 SIPS
Compass Box Juveniles– 46% ABV 4 SIPS
Compass Box Spice Tree Extravaganza – 46% ABV 5 SIPS
Compass Box Stranger and Stranger– 46% ABV 3 SIPS
Compass Box Tobias and the Angel– 47.6% ABV 3 SIPS
Compass Box Flaming Heart– 48.9% ABV 4 SIPS
Compass Box No Name No. 2– 48.9% ABV 4 SIPS
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokesSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Big thanks to Pete Friello. U.S. Southeast Region Manager for Compass Box for providing these samples.
This episode is sponsored by:
Fine Spirits
Fort Lauderdale Whiskey Societyhttp://www.ftlauderdalewhiskeysociety.com/
Made Man Bob and Made Man Bob are on work release from The Bourbon Mafia
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Pair's well with kiln roasted roadkill
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Pair's well with kiln roasted roadkill
@EdmundsOast @beermakesthree @EvLockPodcast @The_LA_Gold @gagglepod #beer #charleston #roadkillCo hosts : Good ol Boy Dave, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Caperton, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS Episode – A brewery takeover with a flight that really won us over. Edmunds Oast is a brewery, retail shop, and restaurant in Charleston, SC. Mike moves to the uncharted space of pairing with roadkill. Next time we’ll have to sample the food along with the beer. A Pils that is a solid candidate to make our best of Season 8. We taste and rate the following beer from 1-5:
All beers are from Edmund’s Oast Brewing Company Charleston, SC
Bound By Time – IPA with Citra, Mosaic, and El Dorado Hops, 7% ABV SUDS-4
Something Cold – Premium Blonde Ale 5% ABV SUDS-3
Bucket of Flowers – Belgian style Wheat Ale with orange peel and rosebuds 5% ABV SUDS-4
Pales in Comparison DDH American Pale Ale with German Amarillo T-45 pellet hops 5% ABV SUDS-4
Sour Apricot Peach – American Sour Ale with Apricot and Peach 6.5% ABV SUDS-4
Pils – German-style Pilsner 4.5% ABV SUDS-5
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokesSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Podbean, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Check out Good ol Boy Dave on 60 Second Reviews
Kendall decided that this is more entertaining than cornhole on TV. His beer blog is:
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Friday Jun 05, 2020
And yet I still feel unclean
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
And yet I still feel unclean
@MBRDISTILLERY @RabbitHoleKY @HeavenHillDist @TheBourbonMafia @BuffaloTrace @KingsCoWhiskey @IronSmoke @manifestdistilling @JepthaCreed @WTDistillery @BurlockBarrel @Angels_Envy @Diageo_NA @notrightpodcast @CapesOnTheCouch #covid19 #pandemic #handsanitizerCo hosts : Made Man Maury, Good ol Boy Harmeet, Made Man Brent, Good ol Boy Justin, and Made Man BobSIPS Episode – Didn’t you want to meet the kid that ate the paint chips? This is about as close to doing so that we can arrange. Several distilleries rose to the need for hand sanitizer and switched production to meet the demands of their communities. This noble jester could not pass before us without our twist on reviewing and rating these products. Oh, we know you have your favorites, but how will they fare under such professional scrutiny. We review and rate the following hand sanitizer from 1-5:
MB Roland - SIPS - 5
Rabbit Hole – SIPS - 5
Bourbon Mafia- SIPS – One Million
Buffalo Trace SIPS- 5
Manifest Distillery- SIPS - 5
Jeptha Creed - SIPS - 5
Iron Smoke - SIPS - 5
Wilderness Trail - SIPS - 5
Burlock and Barrel SIPS – 5
Kings County - SIPS - 5
Angels Envy - SIPS - 5
Heaven Hill - SIPS - 5
Diageo - SIPS – 5
This is not even close to a complete and exhaustive list of all the distillers that switched to making hand sanitizer. Here is a more comprehensive list:
We want to thank ALL of the people that are serving others in this pandemic crisis.
Tip a bartender or musician of your choice at:
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”)Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
This episode is sponsored by:
Fine Spirits – largest whiskey selection in FL
Big thanks to Good ol Gal Cary Ann for helping to source some of these products.Check out Straight Up 615 www.straightup615.com
Fort Lauderdale Whiskey Societyhttp://www.ftlauderdalewhiskeysociety.com/
Made Man Maury, Made Man Bob, and Made Man Brent are appearing as part of a work release arrangement with The Bourbon Mafia
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:https://amzn.to/2Xblorc
The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”

Everything Good in Life is Worth Discussing
We talk about wine, whiskey, nearly anything distilled, tea, coffee, beer, mead, cigars, smoked meats, and more beer.