
Friday Dec 22, 2017
I’m just here for the Princess
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
I’m just here for the Princess@BeerRevolution_
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Caperton, Good ol Boy Mike, and Good ol Boy Dave
SUDS Episode – Hang tough as we do eventually talk about beer around :20 and most of the quality entertainment is done at the 24:30 mark. Are you a hop hero, then the Revolution Brewing 12 Pack is for you. We taste and discuss the following beer: Revolution Anti - Hero IPA SUDS – 3
Revolution Tropic Hero SUDS – 3
Revolution Amarillo Hero SUDS – 3
Revolution Crystal Hero SUDS – 3info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.Good ol Boy Caperton appears on this show under the influence of free beer and the fear of kudzu.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Dec 15, 2017
I’ll Show You Mine
Friday Dec 15, 2017
Friday Dec 15, 2017
I’ll Show You Mine2RoadsBrewing @idletymebrewing @BallastPoint @GreatRaftBeer
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Caperton, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Dave, and Rev. MarkSUDS Episode – This is how a show can devolve as we discuss Italian shaving habits. Top 3 fake Japanese accent during this episode. We reveal the secret sauce is pickled ginger. There’s a lot going on during this show & tell episode in which no one was indicted. Yet. We taste and discuss the following beer: Two Roads Bog Wild SUDS – 3
Zebulon Tokyo Style Gose SUDS – 4
Great Raft All My Tomorrow SUDS – 4
Idletyme Cherry Kolsch SUDS – 3
Ballast Point Homework Series Batch #7 SUDS – 3
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.Good ol Boy Caperton appears on this show under the influence of free beer and the fear of kudzu.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Dec 08, 2017
3 Wise Sticks
Friday Dec 08, 2017
Friday Dec 08, 2017
3 Wise Sticks
@Room101Brand @LAtelierImports @Perdomo_Cigars @SmokersAbbey
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Barger, Good ol Boy SuperDave, and Good ol Boy Mike
SMOKES Episode – We have combined a review on 3 cigars and a language lesson in Nicaraguan. Don’t try this at home or your cigar may go out too soon. Everybody brought something except Mike who flunked show & tell in kindergarten. Don’t miss the tales of Barger’s tow truck job. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Room101 Hit and Run SMOKES - 3
Perdomo Habano Maduro SMOKES - 2
L'Atelier La Mission 1955 SMOKES – 1
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
Thanks for Smokers Abbey for the Hit and Run cigar.
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Dec 01, 2017
Things that make you go Hmmm
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Things that make you go hmmm
@LockhouseDist @kovaldistillery @manatawnysw @CaptiveSpirits @BrkDistilling @StraightUp615 @CharlieTonic
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, Good ol Gal Ginny, Good ol Boy Charlie, Good ol Boy Mike
SIPS Episode – So barrel aged gin, hmmm. Yeah, you don’t know this category of spirits as most people don’t. We introduce the background while hammered. That’s right we called it bong water, a first. Don’t miss our PSA on butt chugging. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Lockhouse Barreled Gin SIPS – 3
Koval Barrel Gin SIPS - 3
Big Gin Bourbon Barreled SIPS – 3
Glorious Gin Oaked SIPS - 2
Hidden River Barrel Rested Gin SIPS - 3
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Please send all cease & desist requests to Cary Ann @ Straight Up 615straightup615.wordpress.com
Charlie & Ginny can no longer attend certain family functions. You can catch them at:
Sparky’s best parenting moments involved clove spiced products
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The best way to find this show is just ask Siri, Alexa, or Google – “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Nov 24, 2017
Seriously, where is the train?
Friday Nov 24, 2017
Friday Nov 24, 2017
Seriously, where is the train?@GABF @BrewersAssoc Co hosts : Good ol Boy Kendall, Rev. Mark, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal JulieannaSUDS Episode – The mass of beer nerds descending on Denver each year is almost as entertaining as the beer itself. Our cast learns that bathrooms and public transit don’t mix well. Rows and rows of beer, again. And a Zombiefest in the middle of all of this? Let us help you sort all this out.
Our SS&S Fest Report Card™Ratings 1-5 with 5 being the bestVenue – 5Beer – 3Food – 5Audience – 5Overall – 5Would we come back – Yes
Tips for next year: Pace thyself. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Our thanks to the Brewers Association for their hospitality.
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com@sipssudssmokeSips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Good ol Boy Kendall has memorized the train schedules in 17 major cities. Be sure to check out Kendall and June’s Blog.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Nov 17, 2017
Who you calling Small Batch
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Friday Nov 17, 2017
Who you calling Small Batch
@basilhaydens @knobcreek @jimbeam @TheBourbonMafia @FineSpirits_FL
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Justin, Made Man Maury, Made Man Brent, and Made Man Bob
SIPS Episode –A distiller’s takeover with the Jim Beam Small Batch Collection. A lively discussion on exactly what is redneck. Some old stuff, some new stuff, but all good stuff. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Knob Creek Bourbon SIPS – 4
Knob Creek Rye SIPS – 4
Basil Hayden Bourbon SIPS – 3
Basil Hayden Rye SIPS – 3
Baker’s Bourbon SIPS – 3
Bookers 17-01 SIPS – 5
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on Facebook Live, iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Our thanks to Kiara Livia from Beam Small Batch Collection team for providing the product samples for this episode.
This episode is sponsored by:
Fine Spirits Wine & Liquors, home of the Enomatic machines.
The Bourbon Mafia is a fraternal organization of whiskey aficionados.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The best way to find this show is just ask Siri, Alexa, or Google – “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Gin 101
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Gin 101
@BeefeaterGin @kovaldistillery @StGeorgeSpirits @RansomSpirits #MixWithTheBest
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, and Good ol Boy Mike
SIPS Episode – This is our GIN 101 reference episode where you’ll discover untold useless facts about Gin. Did you know Gin originated in Italy? Did you know that Old Tom is actually a reference to a cat? We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
London Dry – Beefeater SIPS -3
Barrel Aged - Koval Barrel Aged Gin SIPS - 2
Botanical - St. George Bontanivore SIPS -4
Old Tom – Ransom Barrel Aged SIPS-1
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Catch up on all things in Cary Ann’s world on Straight Up 615
Sparky has not been indicted yet and is still father of year 4 years in a row.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The best way to find this show is just ask Siri, Alexa, or Google – “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Friday Nov 10, 2017
The BIG Gin Tasteoff
Friday Nov 10, 2017
Friday Nov 10, 2017
The Big GIN Tasteoff
@vanagandrgin @BeefeaterGin @kovaldistillery @StGeorgeSpirits @VermontSpirits @DistilleryKyoto @PlymouthGinUS @durhamdistiller @WoodyCreekDisti @deathsdoor @CutwaterSpirits @charlietonic @StraightUp615 #MixWithTheBest
Co hosts : Good ol boy Charlie, Good ol Gal Ginny, Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, and Good ol Boy Mike
SIPS Episode – We take on the challenge to identify some of the best Gin on the planet. After starting with a master list of 800 Gins, we came down to a blind tasting of around 50. This is the results with our Top 10 picks in 2 styles, London Dry and everything else. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Beefeater London Dry Gin SIPS-3
Vanagandr London Dry Gin SIPS-5
Vermont Spirits Coppers American Style Gin SIPS-4
Ki No Bi Kyoto Dry Gin SIPS-4
Plymouth Gin SIPS-4
Durham Distillery Conniption American Dry SIPS-4
Woody Creek Colorado Gin SIPS-4
St. George Botanivore Gin SIPS-4
Death's Door Gin SIPS-3
Cutwater Spirits Old Grove California Small Batch Gin SIPS-4
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Thanks to the many distillers, brand ambassadors, & distributors that sent us samples for this show.
We are even transparent with our scoring and you can review the raw results yourself with our tasting notes:
Ginny & Charlie have a lot more discussion on life, with alcohol on the Charlie Tonic Hour
Catch up on all things in Cary Ann’s world on Straight Up 615
Sparky has not been indicted yet and is still father of year 4 years in a row.
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back RoadsDownload your copy here:http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2
The best way to find this show is just ask Siri, Alexa, or Google – “Play Sips, Suds, & Smokes Podcast”

Everything Good in Life is Worth Discussing
We talk about wine, whiskey, nearly anything distilled, tea, coffee, beer, mead, cigars, smoked meats, and more beer.