Things that make you go hmmm
@LockhouseDist @kovaldistillery @manatawnysw @CaptiveSpirits @BrkDistilling @StraightUp615 @CharlieTonic
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Sparky, Good ol Gal Cary Ann, Good ol Gal Ginny, Good ol Boy Charlie, Good ol Boy Mike
SIPS Episode – So barrel aged gin, hmmm. Yeah, you don’t know this category of spirits as most people don’t. We introduce the background while hammered. That’s right we called it bong water, a first. Don’t miss our PSA on butt chugging. We cover a good lineup of products that you can find widely available:
Lockhouse Barreled Gin SIPS – 3
Koval Barrel Gin SIPS - 3
Big Gin Bourbon Barreled SIPS – 3
Glorious Gin Oaked SIPS - 2
Hidden River Barrel Rested Gin SIPS - 3
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Hosted online at Spreaker and available on iTunes, iHeart, Google Play, PRX, TuneIn, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and YouTube.
Please send all cease & desist requests to Cary Ann @ Straight Up 615
Charlie & Ginny can no longer attend certain family functions. You can catch them at:
Sparky’s best parenting moments involved clove spiced products
Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads
Download your copy here:
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