Shoulda put fries in the beer @11thHourBrewing @HelltownBrewing @KoehlerBrewing @SpoonwoodBrewin @PizzaBoybrewing @GristHouse @Hitchhikerbrew #beer #craftbeer #pabeer Co hosts : Good ol Boy Caperton, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Gal Julieanna, and Good ol Boy Dave SUDS Episode – As Julieanna waxes on about her loathing relationship for Western PA, the rest of the cast is unbiased. Mike discovers that he does not like Loganberry, shocker. Maybe if they put fries in some of these beers, they would have been better, Primanti’s style. There are a few gems you should check out. We taste and rate the following beers from 1-5: Cruel Remedy Double NEIPA 8% ABV 11th Hour Brewing Company Pittsburgh, PA SUDS-4 Dream Cannon #8 Loganberry 4.4% ABV 11th Hour Brewing Company Pittsburgh, PA SUDS-4 Buffy Hazy IPA 6.7% ABV Helltown Brewing Mount Pleasant, PA SUDS-4 Latis IPA 4.8% ABV Helltown Brewing Mount Pleasant, PA SUDS-3 Ornery Bulledogge IPA 7.5% ABV Koehler Brewing Company Grove City, Pennsylvania SUDS-3 Cold Drip City Coffee Blonde Ale 5.9% ABV Spoonwood Brewing Company Pittsburgh, PA SUDS-3 Michael Myers Lemon NEIPA 6.66% ABV Pizza Boy Brewing Company Enola, PA SUDS-3 Space Cactus Hazy NEIPA 6.8% ABV Grist House Craft Brewery Pittsburgh, PA SUDS-3 15th and Canal Dry hopped pale ale 5.8% ABV Hitchhiker Brewing Company Pittsburgh, PA SUDS-3 @sipssudssmokes (Yo, it recently changed with an “s”) Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on Apple & Google Podcasts, PRX, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast. Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads Download your copy here: The easiest way to find this award winning podcast on your phone is ask Alexa, Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”