I’m sorry, we’re all out of Diet Watermelon Smirnoff Ice
@BreweryOmmegang @foundersbrewing @BFBbeer @oskarblues @OskarBluesTN @CigarCityBeer #beer #holidays #smalltalk
Co hosts : Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Boy Drew, Good ol Boy Dave, and Good ol Gal Julieanna
SUDS Episode – The holidays. We’re here to help. A practical scenario of picking up something cold in less than 10 min to take to party. A rock solid plan for small talk. Seriously it’s so much better with our plan. Solid beer picks that you can find almost anywhere cold. We taste and discuss the following beer:
Brewery Ommegang Game of Thrones Royal Reserve Collection Hand of the Queen Barleywine Ale 10.7% ABV SUDS- 3
Founders Solid Gold Premium Lager – 4.4% ABV SUDS – 3
Blackberry Farm Brewery Classic Saison 6.3% ABV SUDS – 5
Oskar Blues Brewery Ten Fidy Imperial Stout Barrel Aged 12.9% ABV SUDS – 4
Cigar City Marshal Zhukov Imperial Stout 11.0% ABV SUDS -4
info@sipssudsandsmokes.com @sipssudssmoke Sips, Suds, & Smokes is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf. Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, PRX, iHeartradio, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast. Kendall’s audience moans each time he chooses to join us. More awesome stuff on his blog with June. http://www.beermakesthree.com (www.beermakesthree.com) Enjoying that cool new Outro Music, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads Download your copy here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2 (http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/woodswhitehead2) The easiest way to find this show on your phone is ask Siri or Google, “Play Podcast , Sips, Suds, & Smokes”