Good grief it’s Season 7
@pacificanetwork @prx @npr @iheartradio @stitcher @itunes @cbsradio #beer #whiskey #rum #coffee #cigars #wine #worldfoodchampionship
Co hosts : Made Man Bob, Good ol Boy Mike, Good ol Gal Julieanna, and Good ol Boy Dave
Season 7 – We decided to let you get a sneak peek of what’s in the works for Season 7. It’s always difficult to decide what to discuss with such an overwhelming things to talk about. Geography of many things influences many of those decisions. It’s great Rum that you may never see in the US, or a beer that has a distribution radius of 50 mi in Nebraska, or a coffee bean that was only available for 1 crop. We want to talk about stuff you can actually find and buy. We’re going to continue our innovative approach and not be just yet another radio show on these topics. All of the producers discuss what’s on their minds and looking back at what fun we had for the award winning Season 6.
Rum – Rum 101, Best of, Distillery Takeover, Tiki Cocktails
Coffee – Single Origin & Blends from great roasters
Wine – pairing with Wine – 10 min Party Dash
Whiskey – A lot more scotch and American whiskey, Bourbon Classic, Transition of sourced to new make
More brewery takeovers, more destination episodes,
Blending beers
Brown Bag Bottle shares – Kendall is actually blindfolded – Fool the Advanced Cicerone
Cigars – Select choices from The Big Smoke Miami, Select Petite Corona – Big flavor in a small package
BBQ – Competition Teams & Beer- Solving everything wrong with the world
Introducing SAVOR episodes
World Food Championship – qualifying events and the main competition
Lots more recurring bits such as The Kudzu Report™
Got an idea or favorite product you want us to discuss – now’s that magical time to contact us
In case you were wondering- here’s some interesting stats:
Beers reviews online & on air – 7500+
Whiskies reviewed online & on air – 400+
Audience for Season 6 – 500M
Indictments & TRO from AL – 17
Worldwide media awards for Best Food Podcast - 1
Sips, Suds, & Smokes™ is produced by One Tan Hand Productions using the power of beer, whiskey, and golf.
Available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, PRX, iHeartradio, Stitcher, Soundcloud, and nearly anywhere you can find a podcast.
Enjoying that cool new music in the background, it’s from Woods & Whitehead – Back Roads
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